About Me

I'm Kayla. I dont know what I want to do with my life. But here you can follow me on my journey.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Angels Fly High.

My grandma passed away today at 3pm.
I know she was ready to go, she would always say.. "Don't get old like me."
She missed her husband, and I know she's happy now. She can sit by him and watch over my dad.
He is going to have a really hard time dealing with his mother's death, they were extremely close.

I don't know how I am going to deal with it, I'm going to talk to God tonight.
God is the only being I believe can help someone get over an emotional moment like this.
I know my family won't be the same, grandma made some pretty hilarious comments, she brought a special feeling to the table.

Although her body and organs were getting old, her love and spirit never died.
She is where she has wanted to be for the past several years.

Elgin Bradford 1918-2008.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Watkins College Of Art. :]

I would die to go to this college.
Look it up.
I want to apply by next year. I need 12 photos in my portfolio.
These I took with my phone, no way I could enter them... I dont think?

I thought I would give you some eye candy, while I come up with ideas for my college application. ;]

My Mouth Is Filled With Metal Bars.

Yes, You heard me. It finally happened. My teeth are finally going to be straight. My self confidence/ my health is going to go up dramatically.
I'm excited for the progress. Just, they look weird, because my teeth arent straightening yet. They will in time, but i hope it's sooner rather then later. Because I look...stupid.

I've also got some great news!
My parents met Matthew the other day, they liked him... i think?
It's progress, so I'll take what I can get. Hah!

I need to vent.
I'm getting sad all the time lately. I don't really know why. Some great things have happened to me over the past few weeks. Some bad things have happened too. I guess I'm realizing how near the end I am. Soon I'm going to be leaving the house and I have no clue what to do yet. I know what my soul mind and body would love to do. Photography. But I could actually get a salary if I get my Ph.D in Zoology. I really don't know. My parents are not keen on the idea of me going to photography school. I might have to end up paying for it myself if I go.

And my grandmother is slipping away. It's happened pretty off and on, now it's rapid. It upsets me, people might not think it does because I try not to act like it bothers me. But it does. She is in too much pain for her little body to handle. I know she is ready to see her husband again though. I'm sure she wants too, she talks about him sometimes. ;]

I'm stuck in a position that I dont really know what to do. I am scared, in the middle, and wanting it to be decided on and ended. Because it hurts me. I hate waiting on answers.
I need to pray. I have though, I prayed for grandma, she got sicker. I prayed about the situation, it got worse. I prayed about my future, now I'm more confused then ever.

Do you think God is getting back at me because I'm trying to come back from a downfall?
Can He do that?