About Me

I'm Kayla. I dont know what I want to do with my life. But here you can follow me on my journey.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Your Beautiful, Her Lover

The poems are based on true heartache.
I asked Alex to describe me in one word..
He replied: "beautiful."
I told him I was going to work a poem around that, in a matter of 10 minutes I created "Your beautiful".
The next day, I wrote a poem from what I understand he is feeling. "Her Lover" is based on his emotions, and things that have happened.

I think I will continue sets of these as time goes on. They go in pairs.
It will take another big step in our friendship for any new poems to come to mind.

Anyway. This is what I got from the word "Beautiful"

Your Beautiful:

She stood at the edge of the stair,
You were completely unaware,
Your beautiful was dying inside.
Her heart and yours divide.

Don't cry dear,
Her heart contains fear.
Fear that you will forget,
The past that you regret.

She leapt from the stair,
In a complete state of despair.
Beautiful knew her love was gone;
Now she is entirely withdrawn.

Her Lover:

Her lover fought a war in his mind,
For the answer his heart was trying to find.
To be with her or not,
Was the answer he had sought.

His heart and mind could not agree,
On whether to be, or not to be.
She wanted to hold on to him tight,
But he didn't feel everything was right.

His decision was finally made,
At that moment, her heart began to fade.
She wished she could run away,
But for a chance, she had to stay.


The Giraffe Head Tree said...

You are both ("you're") so young. Everything seems crystal clear and of extreme importance at every waking moment in this stage. My dear daughter, give yourself time to grow and mature into the young woman you are destined to become. Write, make music, be aware, feel, emote, but whatever you do enjoy this Life for the good AND the bad as both shape you as a person. As the saying goes, this isn't - IS NOT - a dress rehearsal. Make the most of every moment as they are all too fleeting. Life is happening at the blink of an eye.

A Portrait Of War said...

I am aware life goes by fast, and I'm too young to know love. But those words are true. Can I not love?
I have time, I'm slowly growing up, and everyone knows i'm a VERY slow learner. But the poems will eventually be a story of our relationship, good and bad.
he told me the idea was good. one day we will look back at these poems and laugh. it helps to remind us of times we spent together. this is just the first set of the "SETS" the poems that are happy. are all combined into ONE poem, because we were ONE. the poems as TWO are separate of our feelings apart because we arent ONE anymore. Its one of those deep meaning deals. But I thought it was rather clever.

The Giraffe Head Tree said...

You contradict yourself. "I'm too young to love but can I not love?" Yes, you're young and yes, you can love. And yes, you are a VEEEERRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYY slow learner. OMG, are you ever slow.

Continue the Sets Poems as I adore them for various reasons. Yes, I'll continue to give my feedback because you want it and I'm entitled. Ahem.

Yes, you are rather clever. Chip off the ole' block (me). Ha!

And yes, I love you more than life.


A Portrait Of War said...

Oh. You think you are soooo funny.
Well let me tell you buddy.

Lose the attitude.
and, I will have much gratitude.


And.. Just because I'm slow doesnt mean I'm STEWPID! :]